Police Officers from Los Angeles, Atlanta, and Cleveland talk openly about qualified immunity, police unions, and if Black-on-Black crime is a thing.
On Sunday, August 2, 2020, at 6 pm, 7 officers of color, all members of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, and Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity will speak out on a specially assembled panel that was put together by Tonya McKenzie of Sand & Shores to specifically address the-elephants-in-the-room in the Black community. While many are screaming “Defund the police!” many forget that the police many be their brothers, sisters, uncles, cousins, or college friends. “All cops aren’t bad cops,” seems to be another phrase that gets ignored or discredited by outraged protesters and fed-up citizens.
The first panel that took place last month addressed general racism-in-policing issues. This conversation will talk directly to qualified immunity, police unions, and how the officers feel about the term often utilized to whatabout police brutality, Black-on-Black-crime. Panels like this are meant to provide balance, perspective, and insight to the fact that African Americans, no matter what their occupation, are not monolithic. Individuals are a culmination of their life experiences.
Join us on Sunday at 6 pm for this incredible conversation with these law enforcement professionals with impeccable credentials and records. They are all college-educated, rooted in community service, and deserve our support and an open mind to receive what they are going to open up to us about. The panel consists of 1) Gia Neil Sneed, Lieutenant, LA County Sherriff 2)Robert Lockhart, Police Officer II + 2, LAPD 3) Percy Sanders, Deputy Probation Field Officer, LA County 4) David Duncan, formerly of A&E’s 60-Days-In, East Cleveland PD 5) Kenda Williams, Training Officer 6) Jarvis “Bo” Braxton, Metro Atlanta PD 7) Ryan Ehsan, previous Firearms & Tactical Instructor, Memphis PD
Sand and Shores is a PR and Leadership consulting firm in California. If you have questions for these officers, they can be emailed to info@sanandshores.com. Tune in to the Sand and Shores Facebook page to watch live.
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For media inquiries or if you would like more information about this topic, please contact Tonya McKenzie at tmckenzie@sandandshores.com | Threads: @TonyaMcKenziePR | Instagram: @TonyaMcKenziePR